A lovely meeting yesterday, even managed to catch the last of the summer sitting outside! And at least half had managed to finish The Lacuna's 650ish pages so good going!
A great list of possibles for next meeting and frankly not much between them all... so much so that we actually have two books to read! But don't fear, they are both less than 150 pages each!
The Ballard of Peckham Rye by Muriel Spark and The Day of the Owl by Leonardo Sciascia both had 100% of the vote. Fairly certain that they'll be enough variation between them - one an Italian detective story and the other, well, set in Peckham Rye!
Other suggestions were:
A clockwork orange by Anthony Burgess
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy by John Le Carre
The prince of west end avenue by Alan Isler
We decided on another venue, just to try out the options, so see you all at The King's Head, 100 Clapham Park Road, SW4 7BZ on the 14th September.
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